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Young Holy Team

Reaching the Youth

Young Holy Team is formed in 2004 based on Psalm 110:3 with a vision to reach out to the younger generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Many Youth conferences have been conducted to strengthen the young people in their faith. Dr John Wesly's powerful and thought provoking sermons are impacting lakhs of young people throughout the World. We have received numerous life changing testimonies about bondages broken, lives changed and transformed through the power of the gospel. Thousands of young people have accepted Jesus as their personal savior. 

 Dr John Wesly, Mrs Blessie Wesly & the team counsel the young people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts, addictions, love failures and many other struggles by giving them Godly advice. Many young people are now living a bondage free life for the glory of God. 

More than 80,000 young people are connected to this ministry all over India. Dr John Wesly's powerful sermons which are uploaded online everyday on "John Wesly Ministries" Youtube channel are inspiring lakhs of young people to live a Holy, Godly and Christ centered life. All glory to Jesus!

Dr John Wesly encourages young people to study well, shine in their careers so that they can become a blessing to the Nation.  God bless you. 



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